Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If at first you don't succeed tri and tri again!

About twenty years ago my younger brother was running track at the local university. I watched his 800 meter workout and thought, "No way, how does he do that? He is a Boynton just like me and we don't run like that!" Well, I continued to think about that and, sure enough, I was down on the track, new Nikes and all, giving it my best shot. It took me several weeks to work up to my first full mile run but, yes, I was hooked. It didn't take me too long to find several other middle-age runners to work out with and my journey to improved fitness had begun. Nothing feels better than finishing a good run! It felt good to be doing something about my health rather than just listening to all the fitness gurus describe the "runners high" and tout the glories of "the loneliness of the long distance runner". I could almost imagine myself experiencing it myself! What is it about exercise that makes you feel so good?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Should we be worried about a future with alzheimers?

This blog is dedicated to the proposition that an active, healthy lifestyle will work wonders for people who are confronting a real risk of developing alzheimers disease. My father died of alzheimers in 2004 but suffered from the debilitating effects of dementia and an unhealthy lifestyle for many years prior to his passing. His father died in 1962, diagnosed at that time with dementia and arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, they told us. Dad's first 60 years of his 81 were rather "normal" or uneventful as far as lifestyle issues are concerned. Except for the fact that his weight ballooned after he quit smoking at about age 37. Grampa died at age 70 and spent his whole life, as far as I can recall, smoking several packs of cigarettes a day and, after retirement, sitting in his easy chair drinking coffee. He spend the last 8 years of his life in a prison-like old folks home not knowing who he was or why he was there. More on their lifestyles later...but WHAT ABOUT ME? I am now 61 and wondering about my health and my future...